
Parent Impact Report


A Thriving PLC

A dynamic, diverse collection of deeply engaged parents, the Parents Leadership Council (PLC) makes a profound impact at Boston College through their advocacy, volunteerism, and philanthropic support. As distinguished leaders for BC, members of the PLC connect virtually, regionally, and on campus with fellow parents, as well as faculty and administrators, to build a brighter future at the Heights for their own children as well as the next generation of Eagles.


from BC parents to support dean’s innovation funds and faculty research


New families joined the PLC in 2023

7 countries and 34 states

represented by BC parents

Building Something New

“[Human-Centered Engineering] has just been the most amazing thing for [Jordan]. His professors really know him, and they have this overwhelming commitment to the new program and the success of its students.”

—Shilpa Rose, P’25

Read about the Rose Family

Shilpa and Jason Rose, P’25

The college search process can be daunting enough as is; add in a global pandemic, and you could hardly blame Shilpa and Jason Rose for feeling overwhelmed as they sought the best landing place for their eldest son, Jordan. 

The family from Bethesda, Maryland, had to scrap their plans to visit schools that summer of 2020, taking their college search online. Looking for a rigorous, dynamic engineering program that still prioritized students’ well-being and development, the Roses discovered Boston College’s fledgling human-centered engineering (HCE) program.

“Academic intensity meets empathy,” Shilpa says, remembering the top bullet point on the program’s website. “It’s a big thing in our family—empathy. It’s central to our work [in the medical field] and what we teach at home. That line still resonates with me today.” 

The more they saw, the more impressed they became. “We visited and he was just so comfortable,” says Jason. After the trip, Jordan was adamant on applying early decision to BC. “He was the happiest person when he got in,” says Shilpa. 

Entering his junior year, Jordan has thrived in the engineering program, housed in the state-of-the-art 245 Beacon Street building. He’s developed strong relationships with John W. Kozarich ’71 Chair Glenn Gaudette and served as a TA for Assistant Professor Avneet Hira. “HCE has just been the most amazing thing for him,” Shilpa says. “His professors really know him, and they have this overwhelming commitment to this new program and the success of its students.”

Seeing their son’s excitement for engineering and the deep friendships he was forming on campus, Shilpa and Jason decided to support BC’s engineering program through the Parents Leadership Council (PLC). “When we learned about the PLC,” Shilpa says, “we decided to join and do what we can to support this program and invest in its success.’”

“[BC and the Engineering Department] have been so good to Jordan, and so we can only hope to reciprocate that,” adds Jason. 

“What’s so exciting,” says Shilpa, “is that there’s still so many more people he’s yet to meet, so many opportunities in the coming two years, and so much for him to discover.”


Strengthening Our Foundation

The PLC is an integral part of the Boston College community, with its members serving as institutional ambassadors in myriad ways. By sharing their insights and perspectives with University leadership, participating in virtual conversations, and providing support for BC’s academic and societal mission, the PLC has proved an invaluable resource for the University. As such, all PLC members are recognized as members of the 1863 Society and are welcomed into the Shaw Society upon making a planned gift.


Academic Priorities


Undergraduate Financial Aid


Intercollegiate and Intramural Athletics


New Campus Buildings


Jesuit, Catholic Heritage and Student


BC Fund and Other Priorities (supports University areas in greatest need)

All FY22 data represented is sourced from BC Advancement Information Systems.

Advancing the Mission

“None of us got to where we are by ourselves. It takes a community, and we’re looking forward to being a part of that community and helping further the mission of BC.”

—Kristine Zeile, P’27

Read about the Zeile Family

Kristine and Art Zeile, P’27

Boston College was just the second of 23 colleges Kristine and Art Zeile, P’27, visited with their son Mareks, and he hardly wanted to see another school after that initial tour. “Within two hours, he said, ‘This is where I want to be,’” remembers Kristine.

A Presidential Scholar and finance major, Mareks’s interest in the University was largely driven by the Carroll School of Management. Impressed by the renowned faculty, innovative interdisciplinary programs, and robust internship and service opportunities, he knew he had found a place where he could thrive, says Art.

“Mareks just received the keys to unlock the extraordinary,” says Kristine, “and we could not be more happy for him.” 

For the Zeiles, joining the Parents Leadership Council (PLC) early into their son’s college career was a natural continuation of their philosophy to support his schools in any way they can. “It’s been this way through every part of Mareks’s education,” says Art, “from kindergarten through high school. Families that are truly dedicated to the success of the school, in my observation, are constantly involved, invested, and really integrated into the life of the school.”

Being 2,000 miles away from their son will be challenging for the Denver-based Zeiles. A close, active family that’s passionate about hiking, skiing, and the outdoors, the Zeiles “just love spending time with each other,” says Kristine. Looking to stay engaged with daily happenings at the University and connect with similarly committed BC parents, Kristine and Art were also drawn to the PLC by its informative programming and lively social calendar.

“None of us got to where we are by ourselves,” Kristine says. “It takes a community, and we’re looking forward to being a part of that community and helping further the mission of BC.”

Falling into Place

“When we looked at our peer group, we realized a lot of our friends either went to Boston College or their children did, and the kids were always really happy.”

—Allegra and Martin Kelly, P’27

Read about the Kelly Family

Allegra and Martin Kelly P’27

Hailing from New South Wales, Australia, Allegra and Martin Kelly have lived in New York for more than 20 years, but the American college search process was still foreign to them when it came time for their sons to start applying to schools. Once Jack, their middle son, expressed his desire to study in the Carroll School of Management before following his parents’ footsteps into finance, Allegra and Martin turned to colleagues who’d studied at BC for advice. “When we looked at our peer group, we realized a lot of our friends either went to Boston College or their children did,” says Allegra. “And the kids were always really happy.”

After Jack made up his mind, a colleague of Martin’s suggested the Kellys join the PLC.

“It’s changed how we’ve gotten to know the school,” Allegra says. “From the day we dropped off Jack, programming has been so intentional and substantive. We always walked away with a much better understanding of what’s happening on campus, opportunities (e.g. the Freshman League mentorship program) to recommend to our son, and how to get involved, thanks to the PLC.”

The Kellys have also supported the Wall Street Business Leadership Council at BC. At last year’s Tribute Dinner, Allegra recalls chatting with two young women who were Presidential Scholars. Inspired by their stories, Allegra thought to herself, “these are the types of people I want my child to go to college alongside: young, passionate, really curious kids who are eager to make a difference in the world.”

A year into his BC journey, Jack feels more at home at the Heights by the day, and Allegra and Martin can already tell the effect BC’s had on him. He’s settled in with a number of campus organizations and attends just about any athletics event he can fit into his busy schedule. They’ve seen his knowledge and interests expand with the interdisciplinary approach of his courses and professors. 

However, the Kellys were quick to note, teenage boys are not necessarily known for being good communicators. “What the PLC does,” says Martin, “is strike a nice balance between keeping us informed and involved without making us feel like helicopter parents.

“At the end of the day,” he continues, “it’s Jack’s college experience. We’re just really happy to be in the loop.”

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